How to play with Pokémon cards

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Chow to play cards Pokémon

If you love Pokémon movies, TV shows, or video games, you can also play the Pokémon Trading Card Game (or Pokémon TCG). It's a great way to have fun with your friends and experience awesome Pokémon battles in real life! Read on to find out: How to play Pokémon TCG cards on our toy store.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

1) Configuring your cards

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

1 - Shuffle your deck. Your game must contain exactly 60 cards and it must be well shuffled. A quarter to a third of the cards in your deck should be energy cards for a well-balanced game, but whatever suits you is good.
If you don't have 60 cards and are playing casually, ask your opponent if it's okay to play with less than 60 cards in a deck. Make sure that both you and your opponent have thethe same number of cards in your games!

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

2 - Determine who goes first. Pull to heads or tails to know who starts. The first player cannot attack on their first turn.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

3 - Draw 7 cards. Take 7 cards from the top of the deck and put them aside, face down.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

4 - Find your basic PokémonSearch your hand of 7 cards for a Basic Pokémon. Basic Pokémon are represented by a box that says "BASIC" at the top of the card. If there are no Basic Pokémon, shuffle your hand into your deck and draw 7 more cards. This is called a mulligan.. Each time you mulligan, your opponent has the option to draw an additional card.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

5 - Choose your active Pokémon. If you have at least one Basic Pokémon in your hand, place the one you want to use to attack first face down on the play area, a few inches in front of you. If you have more than basic Pokémon cards in hand, you can place them face down under your active Pokémon as bench (Bench). You can't have more than 5 Pokémon on your bench at a time.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

6 - Draw your six prize cards (Prize Cards)You can look at your hand, but don't look at your "prizes" yet! Place these cards in a pile to the side, face down. Each time you defeat one of your opponent's Pokémon, take a prize card. When you run out of "prize" cards, you win.. It is possible to use less than price cards for a faster game.
There is a special rule for Pokémon EX and GXIf you defeat a Pokémon EX or GX, you can take two Prize cards instead of one.
Contrary to popular belief, you don't take or keep your opponent's Prize cards. Once you defeat a Pokémon, you take Prize cards from your own pile and put them into your hand.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

7 - Put the rest of your game aside. Generally, they should be on your right, opposite the prize cards. Your "discard" pile is located under your deck.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

8 - Turn your cards in the right direction. When you're ready to begin, make sure your active and sideboard Pokémon cards are all face up. The rest of your hand, prizes, and the rest of your deck should all be face down.You can look at your hand, but not your deck or your prizes.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

9 - Play until someone wins. You win if you take all your price cards, if your opponent is supposed to draw but can't because they have no more cards in their deck, or if you knock out all the Pokémon on your opponent's field.

2) Play your cards

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

1 - At the start of your turn, draw a card.
Contrary to popular belief, this step is mandatory. You do not have the option to choose whether you want to draw a card.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

2 - Place a Basic Pokémon on the Bench. If you have a Basic Pokémon in your hand, you may place that Pokémon on your Bench. This can be done as many times as you like. There can be up to five Pokémon on your Bench, unless a card on the field says otherwise.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

3 - Use Energy cards. You can attach one Energy card per turn (unless a card on the field says otherwise) by placing it underneath 1 of your Pokémon, below all pre-evolved forms.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

4 - Use the trainer cards. These cards have descriptions of their effects on the card itself, and allow you to do many useful things. The different types of training cards Pokémon are the objects, supports, tools and stages. You can activate as many of objects and tools as you wish during your turn, but only a support And a stadium. After being used, they go to the discardA Pokémon Tool can be attached to one of your Pokémon that doesn't already have a Tool attached to it. They stay there with the Pokémon until the Pokémon is knocked out, at which point they are both discarded. When you play a Stadium, it is placed horizontally between both players' fields. It is discarded when a new Stadium of your opponent's comes into play. There are also special energy cards used to provide energy and do something else special that is indicated on the card.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

5 - Evolve your Pokémon. If you have Evolution cards for a Pokémon that is active or on your Bench, you can evolve the Pokémon by putting this card on it. A Basic evolves to Stage 1, and a Stage 1 evolves to Stage 2. You cannot evolve a Pokémon on the first turn it is played, either by Benching it or by evolving it, unless you use an effect. You also cannot evolve a Pokémon on your first turn.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

6 - Use an ability. Some Pokémon have moves that can be used for special effects. These are listed on their cards. Moves aren't attacks, so you can still attack after using one or more moves. Be sure to announce your moves to your opponent so they know what you're doing.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

7 - Remove your PokémonRemoving a Pokémon is replacing it with another Pokémon on your Bench. Typically, you will have to pay a retreat cost by discarding the Energy attached to that Pokémon. The retreat cost is shown at the bottom of the card. You can only retreat once per turn.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

8 - Attack your opponent.The last thing you can do during your turn is attack your opponent's active Pokémon using your own. After you attack, your turn ends. You cannot attack on your first turn if you are the first to attack. This action is discussed in more detail in the next section.

3) Attack your opponent

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

1 - Attack. To be able to attack, you must have the correct amount and type of Energy necessary for the attack's cost (shown on the card to the left of the attack's name) attached to that Pokémon.
Some attacks require colorless energy. These are indicated by white stars and can be any type of energy. Other attacks require specific types of energy.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

2 - Note your opponent's weakness. Most cards have a weakness to a particular type. They will take extra damage if your Pokémon is the type they are weak to.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

3 - Check the Pokémon's resistance to defense. It will take less damage if your Pokémon is the type it resists.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

4 - Deal damageThe damage dealt by an attack is listed to the right of the attack name. There are also effects listed under certain attacks that can increase the damage, so pay attention to them! This damage is dealt to the defending Pokémon (your opponent's active Pokémon). In the game, damage is denoted by damage counters, each of which represents 10 damage. You can track these damage counters using official counters, any kind of small, flat object, or with dice.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

5 - Discard knocked out PokémonPokémon with 0 HP (the amount of damage is greater than or equal to the Pokémon's HP) are knocked out. Place them in their owner's discard pile, along with any Energy or items attached to them, and any or all Evolutions. Then, you may take a Prize card.

4) Processing of special conditions

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

1 - Special conditions are harmful status effects that can be applied to your active Pokémon.These are Burned, Poisoned, Asleep, Confused, and Paralyzed. Poisoned, Burned, Asleep, and Paralyzed have effects that occur between turns, in that order.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

2 - Dealing with a poisoned Pokémon. Put a Poison counter on the poisoned Pokémon. It takes 1 damage counter between turns.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

3 - Taking Care of a Burned Pokémon. Place a Burned marker on the Pokémon if it is Burned. Flip a coin between turns. If tails, the Pokémon takes no Burn damage. If tails, place 2 damage counters on the Burned Pokémon.
The rule of Brûlé de Sun and Moon is a little different. For the Sun and Moon rule, put a Burned marker (the bandage marker) if your Pokémon is Burned. Between turns, put two damage counters on the burned Pokémon. Then, the owner of that burned Pokémon flips a coin. If heads, the Pokémon is no longer Burned, and you can remove the Burned marker. If tails, it remains Burned.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

4 - Take care of sleeping PokémonIf a Pokémon is asleep, its card is turned counterclockwise. Between turns, a coin is flipped: if tails, the Pokémon wakes up.If tails, it remains asleep. The Sleeping Pokémon cannot retreat or attack.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

5 - Taking care of paralyzed Pokémon. Paralyzed Pokémon are turned clockwise and cannot retreat or attack. Paralysis is healed between turns if the Pokémon has been paralyzed since the start of your last turn.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

6 - Dealing with a Confused PokémonA Confused Pokémon's card is flipped face down. Flip a coin before attacking with a Confused Pokémon; if tails, put three damage counters on that Pokémon and the attack does nothing. If heads, your Pokémon successfully attacks.
If the attack involves a coin toss, roll the confusion first.

Comment jouer avec les cartes Pokémon

7 - Heal your affected PokémonThe easiest way to heal an affected Pokémon is to bench it. It cannot be benched if it is asleep or paralyzed, but it can still be switched using effects. You can also use Trainer cards that cure status conditions. If a Pokémon would be affected by multiple conditions that cause the card to rotate, only the most recent one applies.

How to play with Pokémon cards


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