Ito Tomie Junji Anime Ring
Ito Tomie Junji Anime Ring Tomié is a manga that takes the form of an episodic series centered around the titular character, Tomié. She is a particularly beautiful and manipulative teenager who possesses the ability to multiply and duplicate herself. In each episode, she bewitches men who are driven to...
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Ito Tomie Junji Anime Ring
- Tomié is a manga that takes the form of an episodic series centered around the titular character, Tomié. She is a particularly beautiful and manipulative teenager who possesses the ability to multiply and duplicate herself.
- In each episode, she bewitches men who are driven to murder or suicide and she sometimes turns pure young women into copies of herself.
- 316L Stainless Steel Ring
- Adulthood
- Color: Silver
- Gender: Female
- Handmade with Care
- Resists corrosion, does not blacken