In fact, it is so beloved that some of the Lego games listed below are reaching crazy prices... like $4,276 for a slice of pizza!
Anyway, here is our list of 20 Most Expensive Lego Sets in the World on our toy store.
The 20 most expensive Lego sets in the world
This list of games and Lego figures mentioned below has been compiled from various sources on the web, such as The Gamer And The Daily Dot.These are the 20 most expensive Lego sets in the world:
20. Lego Darth Maul Head
Cost: $1,255
This superb Darth Maul bust is the first on the list.
If you don't know who he is, I suggest you watch Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace.
This most expensive Lego Technic set contains more than 1800 pieces individual, making it a hell of a set to complete.
If you have the time, patience, and desire to assemble such a set, you could earn some serious bragging rights in your Lego social circle!
19. Rebel Blockade Runner
Cost: $1,330
One of the largest Lego sets on our list is the Blockade Runner rebel.
It's quite gigantic, to say the least, and consists of more than 1700 pieces. It is taken from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
If you are also a Star Wars fan, you should seriously consider adding this to your collection, as you will get great results!
18. Rebel Snowspeeder

Cost: $1,421
Yet another one Lego set on the Star Wars theme, this time taken from The Empire Strikes Back.
This Rebel Snowspeeder seems to be a little more popular than the previous two, for no apparent reason.
Aside from the fact that it might be a little easier to assemble because it has fewer parts, about 1,457 To be exact, the Snowspeeder is another cool set to add to your collection!
If you have the money, then why not!
17. Eiffel Tower
Cost: $1,455
The interpretation of the Eiffel Tower by Lego, released in 2007, stands out from Star Wars.
With its 3,428 pieces, it is the tallest lego set on the market and you should only attempt it if you have the dedication and endurance to make it happen!
It was built at a scale of 1:300 from the original plans of the real tower.
16. Imperial Star Destroyer
Cost: $1,600
The world's most expensive Lego set is by far the coolest Star Wars set on the planet: the Imperial Star Destroyer !
If you are a Star Wars fan, you know what it is and why it is so cool to be able to make it out of Lego.
It has just over 3,000 pieces and measures approximately 3 meters long.
So if you're adding this to your collection, make sure you have the space before you start building it!
15. Star Wars VIP Gala Set (Vader)
Cost: $1,672
Always on the theme of Star Wars, We have the VIP gala set, including Darth Vader, released at the Lego Toy Fair in 2005 to promote Revenge of the Sith.
As this is one of the rarest Lego sets in the world, it is difficult to determine its true value.
However, its rarity justifies its current price, as we expect rare or exclusive items to be expensive, right?
Still, it's super cool and sometimes worth taking the bull by the horns and paying the high price!
14. Limited Edition Batman Announcement Set
Cost: $1,720
Batman is cool in itself, but having a Lego Batman set limited edition is even cooler!
It was quite easy to get some at the Sandiego Comic-Con in 2005, but many people did not hold on to it, preferring to trade, barter or sell it.
If you were smart, or just plain lucky, and managed to get your hands on one when it first came out, you're now sitting on a cool $1,720.
13. Death Star II
Cost: $1,972
With such a great name and such an icon, it's no surprise that Death Star II one of the most expensive Lego sets in the world!
To assemble this thing you will need to place the 3,000 pieces in their exact place and have room to move while you do it.
Ultimately, it's definitely worth the time and effort to see this beautiful Lego set in all its glory!
12. Statue of Liberty
Cost: $2,132
Next, we have a Lego set that represents one of the most iconic statues in the world: the Statue of Liberty.
For just over $2,000, you get 3,000 pieces and the satisfaction of looking at the finished product once you have assembled it.
However, if you're in a situation where you have to choose between a really cool Lego set and your next car, you might want to wait a bit before buying this one... or buy it and go!
11. Coffee corner
Cost: $1,714
With a little more 2,056 pieces, THE Lego Cafe Corner game presents three different stories, a bicycle and a mosaic.
It's not the most interesting game, but it's still nice to look at and could be part of a collection.
If you're going to spend $1,714 on a Lego set, it might be wiser to spend that money on one of the upcoming more expensive lego sets.
10.Yoda wearing the "I Heart NY" shirt (New York Toy Fair 2013)
Cost: $2,275
Entering our top 10 most expensive Lego sets in the world is this hilarious set.
Released in 2013 at New York Toy Fair, this set features Yoda wearing a t-shirt that says "I heart NY", street art and really cool street signs.
In terms of actual goods received, you don't really get what you pay for, but you do pay for the individuality of the piece and a bit of coolness!
9. Grand Carousel
Cost: $2,300
Coming in at number nine on our list is this no-frills set.
The carousel has 3,000 pieces and comes with a remote control. It is also fully functional, which means that you can actually use it or play with it.
This is a pretty big game after all, but unlike some of the previous games on our list, you can imagine it's relatively easy to build, right?
8. Automotive LECA (LEGO Inside Tour Exclusive 2005 Edition)
Cost: $2,350
If cars are your thing, or you're looking for something a little different to build next, then LECA automobile could be for you.
It's not the coolest or prettiest Lego set, but it's different and rare.
So I guess if you have $2,350 to spend on a lego set, then consider this one if you like cars, or put the money into one of the 5 most expensive lego sets in the world.
7. The Legoland train (LEGO Inside Tour 2014)
Cost: $2,750
Trains are cool, right? Well, if you like them, the Legoland Train will be right up your alley.
Not only do you get the train to build, but you also get seven mini-figures to play with.
They first went on sale in 2014, so if you managed to get your hands on one and keep it, you did well, as it's now worth around $2,750!
6. Taj Mahal
Cost: $2,865
Prepare to receive the biggest lego game from the list. The Taj Mahal is absolutely massive, a true work of art once it is built.
He counts more than 5,900 pieces individual and is an absolute spectacle to be commended.
If you have the time, money, and dedication to see it through to the end, I think you'll be extremely happy with your purchase.
5. Han Solo on Tauntaun (Miniland scale)
Cost: $3,156
Han Solo on Tauntaun ranks fifth on our list of sets Most expensive Lego Star Wars.
You might have thought it would be something like the Millennium Falcon or Star Destroyer, but it turns out that this little Lego set is much more sought after and valuable.
It's definitely not the most eye-catching or pretty set to look at, but numbers are numbers and that's the most expensive Lego Star Wars set to date.
4. Piper Airplane (LEGO Inside Tour Exclusive 2012 Edition)
Cost: $4,016
Crossing the $4,000 mark, the 2012 edition of Piper Airplane would be a pretty cool lego set to own, and one that I can see being worth the money.
Along with the plane, you also get the airport and the Mini Figures, which is pretty cool.
However, keep reading as the top three might be worth getting instead of this one, purely for the kudos and cool factor.
3. TMNT Antonio's Pizza-Rama (New York Comic-Con 2012 Exclusive)
Cost: $4,276
Who would have thought that we could build Lego food Well, you can and this entry proves it.
It may be the most expensive pizza slice on the planet, but if you buy it, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you are one of the only people in the world to own one, as it is extremely rare.
It's still crazy to think thata small slice of pizza may surpass Yoda, the Eiffel Tower and Darth Maul!
2. Ultimate Collector's Millennium Falcon

Cost: $4,530
The title of largest Lego Star Wars set on the planet returns to the Millennium Falcon.
It is the second largest Lego set in the world, just behind the Taj Mahal, and it is composed of 5,174 pieces.
In the box you will also find great mini-figures of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Chewbacca, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker and Han Solo.
Overall, this seems like a great deal if you love Legos and are a big Star Wars fan... think of all the hours of fun you could have with this set!
1. Clumsy Hans by HC Andersen (2015 edition)
Cost: $7,375
The 2015 edition of HC Andersen's Clumsy Hans dominates the list.
Originally, the sets were distributed to approximately 80 Lego ambassadors, most of whom have decided to keep them, making them extremely difficult to find.
So that's where its high price comes from. However, if you're a collector and want something special to complete your collection, then a mere $7,375 is nothing compared to acquiring a rare Lego set like this.
Summary: The 20 Most Expensive LEGO Sets in the World: A Precious Collection
We hope you enjoyed our list of the 20 most expensive Lego sets in the world.
Those were some pretty cool Legos, right? It seems like a good cross-generational toy and collectible.
If you're looking to buy one of the most expensive Lego sets in the world, we hope our list has given you a good starting point to start your search!
Here's a quick recap with Amazon links.
HCAndersen's Clumsy Hans (2015 Edition) – $7,375
Ultimate Collector's Millennium Falcon – $4,530
TMNT Antonio's Pizza-Rama (New York Comic-Con 2012 Exclusive) – $4,276
Piper Airplane (LEGO Inside Tour Exclusive 2012 Edition) – $4,016
Han Solo On Tauntaun (Miniland Scale) – $3,156
Taj Mahal – $2,865
The Legoland Train (LEGO Inside Tour 2014) – $2,750
LECA Automobile (LEGO Inside Tour Exclusive 2005 Edition) – $2,350
Grand Carousel – $2,300
Yoda Wearing “I Heart NY Shirt” (New York Toy Fair 2013) – $2,275
Cafe Corner – $1,714
Statue of Liberty – $2,132
Death Star II – $1,972
Limited Edition Batman Announcement Set (Comic Con 2005) – $1,720
Star Wars VIP Gala Set (Vadier) Lego Toy Fair 2005 – $1,672
Imperial Star Destroyer – $1,600
Eiffel Tower – $1,455
Rebel Snowspeeder – $1,421
Rebel Blockade Runner – $1,330
Darth Maul Lego Head – $1,255