What is the new surprise of Mario Kart 9 ?

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Mario Kart 9: Rumors and everything we know about the game's potential on Switch 2

THE Mario Kart of the Switch 2 Will it be open-world? Let's explore this possibility and other fascinating theories.

We may have only seen about 17 seconds of the new Mario Kart in the Nintendo Switch 2 trailer, but that won't stop me from analyzing every frame in detail. Familiar vehicles, familiar faces, but also a new circuit and intriguing details... there's a lot to examine.

The game, which is said to have started development in 2022, is being announced with a “new surprise.” Fans, after months of theories and speculations, finally have new images to dissectAmong them, I offer you three great theories that could well reveal what the king of karting and his famous red cap has in store for us.

Mario Kart Open World

Quelle est la nouvelle surprise de Mario Kart 9 ?

The most widespread theory in the community is that of a Mario Kart in open worldAfter all, we had Super Mario World, so why not a Mario Kart World? But is this idea simply a projection of fans' desires onto this teaser? Perhaps. Yet, there are some clues that suggest it could become a reality.

The start of the circuit is indicated as being the Mario Bros. Circuit, but could it be a fake track? Rather than an actual racetrack, this place could be some kind of hub world where up to 24 drivers (double the number from Mario Kart 8) meet at the starting line. Why this idea? Simply because there are no object block visible in this portion of gameplay, which would be unlikely for a real race. Perhaps it's a transition space, a sort of open-world lobby.

One detail catches the eye: under the restaurant's huge burger Yoshi's Drive-Thru, a glowing yellow object is visible. This is probably not a classic item block, as that would go against well-established traditions. Some believe it could be a supply item, like fuel. Buildings such as the Fire Flower Gas Station, also visible, could serve as supply points or repair. A mechanic similar to that of Burnout Paradise, where going to a garage automatically repairs your vehicle, could be integrated.

This fuel theory is reinforced by a detail on Mario's kart. On the side, a logo “1-Up Fuel” is visible, suggesting a fuel tank for manual boosts or increased kart customization. This customization would fit perfectly in an open world, where players could explore to find parts, upgrades, or rare vehicles. Imagine traveling the Mushroom Kingdom looking for an old vintage Toad kart... Tempting, right?

Finally, in the last gameplay sequence, the camera pulls back to reveal a vast desert with a road that seems to extend to the horizon. There is no indication that this is a closed circuit. This visual openness could be a nod to a much larger exploratory map.

Mario Kart Off-Road Mode

Quelle est la nouvelle surprise de Mario Kart 9 ?

What if this desert meant something else? Perhaps tours that combine more off-road sections, rather than racing only on narrow tracks. A few details reinforce this theory.In the last image, we can see a ramp on the left and the absence of barriers, encouraging players to go off-road for off-road, rally-style passages.

Another clue is the return of Rosalina, who here pilots a vehicle resembling the Snow Skimmer from Mario Kart Tour. With skis on the front axle, this kart seems designed for snowy terrain, but could also tackle sand dunes. This could indicate that customizing and preparing karts for specific courses is becoming essential.

Bowser, meanwhile, sports enormous tires, perfect for off-roading. Of course, this is in keeping with his usual style, but could it be an invitation to further exploration off the beaten track? Perhaps.

Mario Kart in tribute to Mario's 40th anniversary

Quelle est la nouvelle surprise de Mario Kart 9 ?

2025 will mark the 40th anniversary of the release of the first Super Mario Bros. What if this new Mario Kart installment was a celebration of Mario's history and his universe?

In the teaser, some details recall this heritage. The circuit is called Mario Bros. Circuit, and the desert setting evokes the World 6-1 from Super Mario Bros. 2. A luminous sign also mentions Shine Sprite, a nod to Super Mario Sunshine.

Unlike previous Mario Kart games, there have been no sightings of Link from The Legend of Zelda or any Animal Crossing characters. Perhaps this installment is all about Mario and his iconic companions.

Finally, the circuit shown in the teaser has a clearly American style, with a road on the right and a general aesthetic that could lead towards New Donk City, the famous metropolis from Super Mario Odyssey. A nice tribute to celebrate this anniversary, right?

And you, what do you think?

What could possibly be the famous surprise of this Mario Kart? An open world? An off-road revolution? Or a tribute to Mario's glorious past? Maybe I'm getting a little carried away after watching these 17 seconds on repeat... But after all, dreaming is part of the adventure.

Share your theories in the comments!

Quelle est la nouvelle surprise de Mario Kart 9 ? Super Mario Shop >>


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