What is a fidget ?

In Toys info

At Enjouet, we love fidgets ! Besides, we have a wide range to meet everyone's different stimulation needs. In this article, we'll take a look back at these great tools! What is a fidget? Which one to choose? How to do it at school? All the answers in our special fidgets file !

What is a fidget?

C’est quoi un fidget ?

From English, meaning "to stir", "to fiddle", "to wriggle", "to have fidgets", fidgets are small tools addressing to children and adults hyperactive/ADHD or having attention deficit disorder and concentration. They are used at school, at home or in the workplace and help to focus attention by offering a motor outlet for tensions and desires for movementThese various objects encourage manipulation: they can be kneaded, twisted in all directions and provide a well-being tactile. Discreet, they slip into the bag, the pencil case, the pocket...

Why do we all need fidgets?

Fidgets were originally designed to help children and adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or those with autistic disorders. However, these tools can be useful for everyone! Indeed, simple movements such as biting your nails, spinning your pen or even nervously moving your leg highlight the motor needs we have, to concentrate or to de-stress. These tools, such as a stress ball for hyperactive people who encourages manipulation is then an appropriate response to our movement needs.

The Fidget Hand Spinner Revolution

Sélection de handspinner

Before the summer, we saw the famous Hand Spinner ! It was a real revolution that pleased and displeased… But which allowed us to talk about tools that help people with specific needs. It’s a great example of design for everyone. Design for all translates into innovation, by and for people, with thinking that places the user of the tools at the heart of the strategy and prioritizes empathy. Did you know? that what is essential for 10% of the population with a disability is necessary for 40% of the population, and also comfortable for everyone?!

In our article " The fidget Hand Spinner, a specific solution that has become a fashion phenomenon ", we return to the origin of fidgets, but also to the need to go beyond the Hand Spinner fashion phenomenon. If you want to go even further on the subject, discover the Testimony from the mother of Melvinn, 4 years old, who tested the Hand Spinner.

Standard handspinner : a completely silent, well-balanced, and fast-spinning handspinner! Colors vary depending on stock. Size: 7.5 cm. Suitable for ages 3 and up.

Fidget midget by 2 : A set of two mini spinners that are completely silent yet extremely satisfying in terms of self-stimulation. Roll them between two fingers or simply balance them on your index finger. Made of plastic and metal. Diameter 3 cm. Colors vary depending on stock. Ages 3 and up.

After the Hand Spinner, what do we do at school?

C’est quoi un fidget

We know that the Hand Spinner has cooled you down, but we swear that there are discreet, silent fidgets that don't make you want to play with them... So to find out What types of fidgets are suitable for classroom use? discover our articles.

Which fidget is right for you?

Quel fidget vous correspond

Although the goal is to focus attention and improve concentration, there are different types of fidgets, each meeting specific needs.

What is a fidget?


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